Churchville Nature Center
Maple Sugar Day & Pancake Breakfast
Learn how maple syrup is made.
Pancake Breakfast: March 6, 2022, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Maple Sugar Program: March 6, 2022, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Our annual Maple Sugar Day is back and sweeter than ever! Join us for a delicious pancake breakfast, with made-to-order pancakes in the morning and experience our maple sugar program in the afternoon. Learn the process of tapping maple trees, collecting the sap, and making maple syrup. You do not need to attend the breakfast in order to attend the program.
Space is limited for both the breakfast and the program, so please specify which events you plan to attend when registering. Pre-registration is a must by February 27th 2022 for the Pancake breakfast. **Payment is due at time of registration**
Pancake Breakfast: Time 11:00 am Cost: $12/person This program is Filled
Maple Sugar Program: 1:00 pm Cost: $5/person This program is Filled
You do not need to attend the breakfast to attend the program