Churchville Nature Center
Spring Night Hike Campfire
Join us for an evening walk
April 10, 2021, 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
We will be heading out onto the trails for a night hike. Our group will be looking and listening for signs of spring in our woodlands. Our hike will end with time around the campfire.
Reservation are required and limited to 25 participants each evening

Time: 8:00 PM

Fee: $5 per person/Members Free

Special Notes:
1: Masks are required to participate in this program for everyone over the age of 2. We will perform social distancing whenever possible, but in keeping with PA policies, masks are required.
2: We will not be providing marshmallows or roasting sticks as in the past, but you are more than welcome to bring your own to enjoy around the campfire. Sharing with others outside of your family group is discouraged.
3: NO WALK-INS ALLOWED for this program. Pre-registration is required. Registration may be done by phone with credit card at 215-357-4005 , or through the center’s website and PayPal at