Churchville Nature Center
Ways to Donate
Making a Donation
We currently use an online service called DonorView that allows supporters to make donations quick & easy. You do not need to make a profile on the site, but by doing so allows you to not only keep track of your donations, but also manage memberships and program registrations. If you are looking to make a donation, feel free to click one of the specific categories below or continue down the make for other options for support like the purchasing of memorials. The General Donation tab is for all unspecified donations.
Annual Appeal
The Annual Appeal helps to fund the Churchville Nature Center's on-going, daily mission of education, preservation and responsible environmental stewardship. Sent to our members each year, the appeal donations can be made by anyone who loves the center and wants to assist in our continued progress forward.
Garden Memorials
Visitors to the Marlin D. Corn Wildlife Gardens of Churchville Nature Center can enjoy a peaceful setting for contemplation and wildlife viewing. The gardens also provide a means for individuals and organizations to recognize their loved ones, both living and deceased with memorial brick options or on our memorial plaque. Loved ones can be recognized in the Wildlife Gardens in several different ways. The first is a name-plate can be added to the memorial sign at the garden’s entrance for a donation of $100. The second is for a memorial brick to be placed in the path leading into the gardens, around the central pond or leading towards the butterfly house. Bricks are $225.00 for an 8x8 and $100.00 for a 4x8 brick.
For more information on memorials, please contact our naturalist, Bill Woodroffe, by email at or by phone at 215-357-4005 ext. 5033.
Bench & Tree Memorials
An existing tree, regardless of size, can be dedicated for a $300 donation and a new tree for $700. A five year replacement guarantee is placed on each newly planted tree. Afterwards, a new tree can be planted at market price.
While we no longer offer custom made cedar benches, we now offer recycled plastic benches. These will provide a longer lifespan and are placed within the trail system. New benches come with a $1,400 price per bench.
Names are memorialized on plates made of weatherproof black metal with silver lettering for trees and silver metal with black writing for benches. To learn more, please contact Bill Woodroffe at or by phone at 215-357-4005 ext 5033.
The CNC Endowment Fund* provides continued support to the center. As the endowment fund grows, so does the interest that is available; the endowment itself can never be used except to support the center. This ensures that the center and its mission of education and preservation will continue well into the future.
For monetary donations, please CLICK HERE and select "Endowment" under the Donation dropdown tab. The fund also accepts charitable gift annuities, appreciated securities, real estate, life insurance policies, charitable remainder trusts, and bequests; contact us to learn more.
*Created by the Friends of Churchville Nature Center in 2004 and managed by the Philadelphia Foundation (established 1918 to provide philanthropic services to southeastern Pennsylvanians).
Consider A Natural Gift...
Planned Giving
There will come a time in your life when you will formalize your wishes to take care of your family and loved ones by writing your will. We would like you to consider Churchville Nature Center at this time with a bequest. It can easily be done by listing Churchville Nature Center as a beneficiary. Whether small or large, your donation upon your passing will insure your legacy to continue with the things you cared so much about: your Churchville family and its mission of preservation and education.
Please contact Kirsten Becker, our Administrative Director, for more information at or 215-357-4005 ext 5034
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