Churchville Nature Center
Winter Primative Skills
Join Lenape Village Educator Joe Boyle for a full day of primitive skills for wintertime
January 27, 2018, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
The day will be spent making fire from scratch with natural materials. We will learn about and make fire bows, coal extenders, and fire structures. Includes an introduction to building shelter, and basic cordage. You will go home with your own handmade fire bow kit. Sit around fire with tea afterwards. (Rain/Snow Date 2/3). Requirements for class: Ages 13 and above &Able to do moderate physical work. Supplies Needed: Knife for carving wood, safety gloves and glasses, notebook & Dress warm.
Pre-registration is required
Time: 9:00am- 4:00pm Fee: $75 each * Instructor: Joe Boyle, CNC Educator
*Save $10 each if you enroll two or more people at the same time. Must Prepay